//Allow only canada no and US number function elementor_form_validation( $record, $ajax_handler ) { if ( ! $record instanceof \ElementorPro\Modules\Forms\Classes\Form_Record ) { return; } $raw_fields = $record->get('fields'); $messagefields = []; foreach ( $raw_fields as $id => $field ) { $messagefields[ $id ] = $field['value']; } $fields = $record->get_field( [ 'id' => 'field_54cb185', ] ); if ( empty( $fields ) ) { return; } $field = current( $fields ); $phone = $field['value']; $arrayCountry = ['716', '250','604','778','403','780','306','204','416','647','519','613','705','807','905','289','418','450','514','438','819','506','902','709','867','600']; // Define blocked words/phrases $blocked_words = ['High quality website', 'do follow links', 'Website DA', 'SEO' , 'Google First Page', 'ranking', 'marketing']; // Add your words/phrases here // Check for blocked words/phrases foreach ( $messagefields as $field ) { foreach ( $blocked_words as $word ) { if ( strpos( strtolower( $field ), strtolower( $word ) ) !== false ) { $handler->add_error( 'general', 'Thank you for submission' ); return true; } } } // check if phone number start with + if(preg_match('/(?:[0-9]-?){3}(?:[0-9]-?){3}(?:[0-9]-?){4}/', $phone)) { if(substr( $phone, 0, 1 ) === "1") { $result = substr($phone, 1, 3); if (in_array($result, $arrayCountry)) { // Yoshi version return true; } else { $ajax_handler->add_error( $field['id'], esc_html__( 'Thank you for submission.', 'textdomain' ) ); } } else { $result = substr($phone, 0, 3); if (in_array($result, $arrayCountry)) { // Yoshi version return true; } else { $ajax_handler->add_error( $field['id'], esc_html__( 'Thank you for submission.', 'textdomain' ) ); } } } else { $ajax_handler->add_error( $field['id'], esc_html__( 'Thank you for submission.', 'textdomain' ) ); } } add_action( 'elementor_pro/forms/validation', 'elementor_form_validation', 10, 2 ); Beautiful young woman posing with vegetables, isolated on white | Teeth Whitening Toronto, Brampton, Richmond Hill, Markham

Beautiful young woman posing with vegetables, isolated on white

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